An award-winning office in a prestigious location

Monday, 2 March, 2020

Jaguar Land Rover | Budapest - Rethink Opportunity

  • Managed Office (Regional HQ)
  • 65,000 sq ft
  • 600 people
  • 5 years
  • Budapest

How Instant helps Jaguar Land Rover enter a new market in Budapest, delivering a bespoke and award-winning office in the prestigious Váci Corridor.

  • Enter new market
  • Increase speed to market
  • Strengthen & differentiate brand
  • Attract, retain & enable talent
  • Enhance financial performance
  • Focus on core
  • Instant confidentially researched, sourced, and secured JLR’s preferred space
  • Negotiated a 50% reduction in capital
  • Procured swing space for JLR on a monthly rolling contract, to enable recruitment prior to delivery
  • Instant mobilised local supply chain and independent procurement platform to deliver an end-to-end managed solution, including FM, reception & security services
  • Delivered a bespoke, high-end workspace, 58% faster than traditional procurement
  • Design included rooms for testing equipment, client-facing suites and breakout space, and won ‘Best Fit Out Project’ in the Hungarian CIJ Awards in 2019
This project has been a real team effort and has resulted in an extremely successful conclusion which will hopefully lead to more collaborative projects between JLR and Instant.

Lorna Devane-Cox,

International Real Estate Manager


Jaguar Land Rover
One of the world’s leading producers of premium cars, and the largest investor in automotive research and development in the UK, Jaguar Land Rover employs over 40,000 staff across the globe.
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